Spirit Animals
The landscape in Northern Ontario is a part of the natural beauty of the north. I learn about land, water and my relationship to them through the work that I create. Spirit Animals is a series of digitally manipulated and unmanipulated images that encourages the audience to view nature as interconnected and unified. These photographs exemplify the spirits inherent in animals. The Spirit that is inherent in the earth and animals is a similar spirit that is within us. We are all a part of this landscape. These photographs question the animal’s continued existence in this changing landscape.
I take digital photographs that I often use as canvases on which I superimpose other photographs that appear surreal. This is much like a painterly process. Through creating art with digital photography, I am able to understand my relationship with nature.
Kathy received financial support for her Spirit Animals exhibition at the Stopciati Gallery, Sudbury, Ontario from the Ontario Arts Council and Laurentian University (publication/exhibition).
Please see the following URLs for Kathy’s videos and other websites: